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Badminton has its origins in ancient civilizations in Asia and Europe with a game called battledore (bat or paddle) and shuttlecock. The name 'Badminton' comes from a stately home in Gloucestershire, England – home of the Duke of Beaufort. The 10 rules of badminton are as follows:

What is special in badminton ?

 It is a sport that explores speed changes, reaction time demands, muscular strength and endurance challenges, and is heart-pumping fun. This newly identified Olympic Sport offers benefits to all who pick up a racket and a shuttle for a test outing on the court

The game is named for Badminton, the country estate of the dukes of Beaufort in Gloucestershire, England, where it was first played about 1873. The roots of the sport can be traced to ancient Greece, China, and India, and it is closely related to the old children's game battledore and shuttlecock.

1. A game starts with a coin toss. Whoever wins the toss gets to decide whether they would serve or receive first OR what side of the court they want to be on. The side losing the toss shall then exercise the remaining choice.


2. At no time during the game should the player touch the net, with his racquet or his body.


3. The shuttlecock should not be carried on or come to rest on the racquet.


4. A player should not reach over the net to hit the shuttlecock.


5. A serve must carry cross court (diagonally) to be valid.



Here are 8 facts about badminton that will absolutely blow your mind!
  • Badminton is a LOT more intense than tennis. ...
  • The Asian domination of the sport. ...
  • Badminton is the 2nd most popular sport in the world. ...
  • A badminton match once lasted just 6 minutes. ...
  • A shuttle is made from the left wing of a goose.

Continues movements and hits in badminton strengthens your heart muscles. It also improves the blood flow through our veins and pumps the heart up. It decreases the cholesterol level and reduces the risk of heart attacks or strokes. This also unclogs the blocked walls of the heart and increases the blood flow.



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